Tuesday 23 September 2014

Renvarg Crusader and Cefncerrig Alfie bring home the ribbons

The three musketeer's in line, patiently awaiting the champions to be announced 

It was a day of firsts on Sunday the 21st of September, when myself and two of my good friends attended Patrington Mill Show.

Renvarg Crusader's First Show

Show morning arrived, it was half past five and I was sitting at home with a Mocha coffee in hand patiently awaiting the arrival of day light, not being in a hurry to go out in what was turning out to be an exceedingly chilly September morning

Given that my horses are shown straight from the field with only a field shelter and no electricity I couldn't exactly go bring them in at 5am to re-wash their socks as I had planned so when dawn finally broke over the field we had but an hour to prepare and load both ponies onto the box, baring in mind that Crusader is not the most co-operative loader in the world (probably, in fact, the least!). I had
doubts about what I would find in the field, visions of mud-encrusted, stained, brown, once-white socks darted through my mind, but I was pleasantly surprised to find on arrival at the field that Crusader had in fact managed to stay clean over night and ended up loading onto the box with no grooming at all, as all of the time was spent on trying to clean the mini man, Cefncerrig Alfie up!

Renvarg Crusader
Luckily my good friend Jemma who I have written about in my blog before when she was exercising Ronnie for me during my pregnancy in 2012, had agreed to come along with me for the day! This worked out great as the boys ended up in two classes together and the championship classes!
My other good friend Kim was also showing her traditional cob colt on the day so we managed to park the boxes together and juggle our three boys who were showing and Kim's adorable shetland who was travel companion to Magners, her colt.

The show was Renvarg Crusader's very first show, he is a six year old chestnut Welsh Section D gelding by Synod Replica and out of Renvarg Perriwinkle. I expected him to be over excited but luckily he was a perfect angel, whom in the ring was complimented on his manners by the judge!
Renvarg Crusader taking Third in his first ever class.
To cut a long story short I will skip right along and tell you that Crusader entered four classes and bagged two firsts, a second and a third. The first class we entered was the "warm up class" that all three boys entered and Crusader earned himself a respectable third. It was all upwards from there and he out did himself in the next three classes, winning a second and two firsts, going on to win the mountain and moorland large breeds in hand class and qualifying for Equifest 2015!

Cefncerrig Alfie
The day also happened to be Cefncerrig Alfie's second show, having entered his first show (Epworth Show) the previous month. Cefncerrig Alfie is my four year old buckskin Welsh Section A pony whom I've only owned a year. He was a good boy throughout the day, loading himself in the box (a relief after spending a long time convincing Crusader to load before we could set off for the show!) Alfie bagged a 6th in the first class and moved on to bag himself two seconds and his first ever First place! He came a well received second in the mountain and moorland small breeds class and also qualified himself for Equifest 2015!
Cefncerrig Alfie trying out the showing game

Bromley's Cask of Magner's (my friend's traditional Cob colt) behaved himself so well for a baby colt at only his second show of the year. He bagged himself a fifth place, two thirds and a first! Also qualifying himself for Equifest 2015 (looks like we're going to Equifest next year girls!).

Bromleys Cask of Magner's Winning First place Part Bred
All in all a great day was had by all and the future is looking bright for all of our ponies, hopefully next season my welsh section C Ronnie will be out to play again once his mane has grown back in (damn sweet itch!)

Left to right - Renvarg Crusader and Cefncerrig Alfie with their ribbons.

Cefncerrig Aflie with his winnings

Crusader returning to the box


Cuddles for the mini man!



Monday 22 September 2014

Cefncerrig Alfie's first show!

Cefncerrig Alfie, 4yo Welsh Section A gelding

Cefncerrig Alfie's First Show

Last month saw the arrival of the annual Epworth Show, and the start of Alfie's showing career. 

The start of a career  

Cefncerrig Alfie

As I have mentioned in previous blog post's, Cefncerrig Alfie is a now four year old Welsh section A gelding whom I'm hoping will become my daughter's lead rein and eventually first ridden pony. So to get him used to the idea of show's I had decided to take him out in hand before trying him under saddle as a lead rein pony next season, this way he shouldn't be as excited or anxious at a show with his little rider on board. 

After a rocky start to the morning being late to the field we set off with an almost presentable Alfie whom had gotten some what dirty in his paddock over night, we did all we could with what tools we had but we just couldn't get him to stand still enough to have his socks well washed so he wasn't as well turned out as we'd have liked yet he looked presentable enough.

Cefncerrig Alfie at Epworth Show 2014
Upon arriving at the show he was a little wound up at being made by the show ground to stay in his box due to air crafts flying over (Alfie being kept right next to a private air field meant that he didn't bat an eyelid at the planes) but once he was out of his box he was as good as gold for a late cut gelding at his first ever show. In the ring he went around nicely in trot and got a little excited by the other ponies but did nothing naughty over than pulling towards the others. However he wouldn't stand up for the judge but overall I was happy with his performance coming in a respectable fourth out of a relatively large M&M small breeds class with some nice and encouraging comments from the judge.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Horse Lover's Quotes

"One of the earliest religious disappointments in a young girl's
life devolves around her unanswered prayers for a horse.
" - Phyllis Theroux

I don't know about you but I adore reading inspirational or heart-warming horsey quotes that are usually found inserted into sections of that 'Backing Horses' or 'Showing ring craft' book we just had to add to our collection.

Here are some words for thought for even the most no-nonsense horseman to take into consideration. I shall lead with perhaps one of my more favored of quotes from Winston Churchill;

"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man." - Winston  Churchill  
"A horse is a thing of such beauty...None will tire of looking at him as long as he displays himself in his splendor" - Xenophon
"Riding - The art of keeping a horse between you and the ground. - Unknown"
"Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and, once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life will be radically changed." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"A Horsey person may say they love you, they may even marry you, but if you ask them to choose between you or their horse, you're sure gonna miss them!
"In riding a horse we borrow freedom." - Helen Thomson
"When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes.- William Shakespeare, Henry V  
"No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle." - Winston Churchill 
"All I pay my psychiatrist is the cost of feed and hay, and he'll listen to me any day." - Author unknown  
"The daughter who won't lift a finger in the house is the same child who cycles madly off in the pouring rain to spend all morning mucking out a stable." - Samantha Armstrong 
"Many people have signed for the 'good old days' and regretted the 'passing of the horse', but today, when only those who like horses own them, it is a far better time for horses." - C.W. Anderson 
 "A canter is a cure for every evil." - Benjamin Disraeli
"The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears." - Arabian Proverb
"The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire." - Sharon Ralls Lemon
"A horse is worth more than riches." - Spanish Proverb 
"But as long as you know you're nobody special, you'll be a very decent sort of Horse, on the whole, and taking one thing with another." - C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy 

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Showers Essential Guide: Show Day Checklist!

Welsh Section C, Pantydwr Ronaldo. 

Show morning is here, your horse or pony is preened to perfection and you may have just enough time to make yourself look somewhat presentable too after getting all of the dirt off your horse and onto yourself. But you don't want to be wasting time making yourself look picture-perfect if you skip on the essentials that you need for the day ahead!

Below you will find a checklist of the necessities you may need. - You can thank me later!

For your equine partner: 

  • Ridden Bridle/inhand bridle or halter 
  • Bit/Reins (you'd be surprised how many people polish off their bridles last minute only to find that they left the bit back home!)
  • Martingale/breastplate/crouper (if needed)
  • Saddle cloth if used 
  • Girth
  • Saddle
  • Stirrup Irons and leathers
  • Boots if applicable 
  • Studs - if applicable
  • Passport
  • Papers such as Breed Registry, organisation registry, qualification and vaccination certificates 
  • Grooming kit including fly spray, hoof pick, shine spray, hoof oil, baby oil, vaseline, chalk if needed, dandy brush, body brush, flick brush and mane/tail comb. 

  • Plaiting bands/needle and thread
  • Wicker basket if showing (to keep your grooming equipment in for the ring) 
  • Wash kit - to include bucket, shampoo, sponges, water brush and sweat scraper for any last minute stain removal
  •  Equine first aid kit - include things such as poultice,  hibiscrub,  bandages, vet wrap, cotton wool, sterile bowl for washing cuts off ect. 
  • Rain Sheet
  • Spare travel rug - just incase
  • Water supply from home (for those tricky horses that refuse to drink at shows a good tip is to give them sugar beet water, this also includes inexpensive electrolytes) 
  • Water Bucket
  • Bag for mucking out the trailer into
For yourself:
  • Show jacket and shirt
  • Jodhpurs and trousers (if inhand) 
  • Waterproofs
  • Tie/stock/stock pin
  • Gloves
  • Hair net
  • Scrunchie or ribbons if used
  • Boots, Joddie clips or gaiters if needed
  • Show cane or crop 
  • Riding Hat or inhand show hat (if you wear one) 
  • Numbers, parking permits ect unless you collect on the day of the show 
  • Schedule
  • Map and written directions
  • Rider first aid kit
  • Camera/Video Camera
  • Mobile phone
  •  Money for any entry fees/food, drinks and any bits and bobs you might pick up
  • Packed Lunch and Drinks if you don't wish to fork out for food at the show
  • Welsh Section C - Pantydwr Ronaldo Relaxing in the field after a successful outing.
  • Pony!
Above all relax  don't flap about looking for things last minute. Find everything out the night before and anything you might forget you can usually pick up at the show.

- Enjoy!  

How to tell a Dun from a Buckskin - Equine Dliute Coat Colour's Explained

Cefncerrig Alfie, three year old, buckskin welsh mountain pony (welsh section A) colt.

What is the difference between the Dun and Bucksin Coat Colours?

A few days ago I wrote my first blog post of the year, I have been slacking with post's lately due to the arrival of my now one year old daughter. The post was only a brief one due to my phone being useless and freezing after typing every letter, so I will now finish what I started that sleepless night in bed.

We recently added a new addition to my small but ever growing herd. This is the three year old welsh section A or Welsh mountain pony colt Cefncerrig Alfie. Alfie, as he is known at home, is a beautiful cream colour with black points and a black mane and tail. This colour is known as 'buckskin' but is commonly mistaken as the colour 'Dun' in the UK. The two colour's are similar to the untrained eye however they are both the result of completely different dilution genes modifying the bay gene (Agouti gene). There are a few distinguishing features to tell the two apart, but first allow me to explain the difference between the two genes. 
A buckskin pony

I won't go into all of the science and genetics behind the coat colours, I will simply convey the knowledge that I have come to learn over the years of the two genes and their effects on the bay coat colour along with hopefully teaching you how to tell the two colours apart. 


The term "Buckskin" refers to a horse or pony that carries one copy of the dilute cream gene which we also see in the likes of Palominos and smokey blacks. It acts on the bay coat colour and dilutes the colour to a yellowy shade. This could be described very simply as bleaching the coat.

You can only get a buckskin foal by one or two of the parents having at least one copy of the cream gene. In other words you won't get a buckskin by breeding your chestnut mare to a bay stallion!
This Welsh Section A Pony (Cefncerrig Alfie) is a buckskin in colour .
Note the pale creamy yellow colour of his body and his black mane, tail
and legs. You will also notice a lack of primitive markings such as an
eel stripe.
A Buckskin horse has the black base gene along with the Agouti (Bay) gene (The bay gene modifies the black base coat to restrict the black colouring to just the points and the mane and tail of the horse, thus we get a bay horse.) along with one copy of the dilute cream gene.


The Dun gene is also a dilution gene that can affect the appearance of  black, bay and chestnut coat colours by diluting (lightening) the base coat colour and restricting the original colour (black, bay or chestnut) to the main, tail and legs. The Dun gene is known for also leaving "primitive markings" such as eel stripes (a dark stripe running down  the full length of the spine to the tail), shoulder stripe's and horizontal leg stripes which can be described as tiger-like stripes on the back of the legs (these can be very faint and difficult to spot on some dun horses).

A classic Dun horse, please note the richness in colour along
with the dark stripes at the top of the horses fore legs (hopefully
the picture quality will allow you to see this) Image from
http://www.dungenes.org please follow the link for a much more
in depth description of the dun gene.

Other points for consideration 

  • It is also possible for a horse to carry both copies of the dun dilution gene and the cream dilution gene resulting in a 'buckskin dun'.
  • It is also known for buckskins to have eel stripes so this can lead to confusion. 
  • A Red Dun Horse, this is the result of
    the Dun gene modifting
    the chestnut coat colour.
    Image from; http://www.dungenes.org
  • The dun coat gene can act upon not only the bay base colour but also black and chestnut resulting in varying shades of dun such as 'red dun', 'Grulla' also known as a 'blue dun' and the 'classic dun'. 

A 'Grulla' or Blue Dun horse which is the result of
the dun gene acting on a black base colour.
Image extracted from; http://www.dungenes.org/grulla.htm
Please follow the link for a more in
depth description of the dun gene.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Introducing Cefncerrig Alfie

Cefncerrig Alfie

Just a quick post tonight in order to introduce the newest member our gradually (and admittedly unintentionally) growing herd. It is now my absolute pleasure to introduce the youngest member of our bunch, three year old Welsh section A colt Cefncerrig Alfie.

Cefncerrig Alfie as a three year old colt in July 2013

Alfie, as he is known at home, is a buckskin. This coat colour is commonly mistaken in the UK as 'Dun'. However there are tell tail signs to decide whether or not your equine partner is a buckskin or a dun. More on that later though as now it is time to rest my weary eyes. -  So for photos of Alfie and an explanation of how tell a dun from a buckskin stay tuned folks!

Updated to add Photos 
Cefncerrig Alfie, three year old Welsh section A colt
Renvarg Crusader, five year old Welsh section D
gelding with Cefncerrig Alfie, three year old
Welsh section A colt.

Below and Left are photographs taken in July 2013 when my chestnut, five year old Welsh Section D Gelding Renvarg Crusader met the three year old Alfie.

Renvarg Crusader, five year old Welsh section D
gelding with Cefncerrig Alfie, three year old Welsh section A colt.
Renvarg Crusader, five year old Welsh section D
gelding with Cefncerrig Alfie, three year old Welsh section A colt.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Pantydwr Ronaldo - From Field Ornament to Showing Sensation in Just Three Weeks!

Pantydwr Ronaldo 3rd June 2012 5th M&M Ridden Large Breeds.
When a former college companion of mine agreed to step in and show my Welsh Section C Pantydwr Ronaldo (Ronnie for short) this season I doubt she realised just how much of a field ornament he had actually become since the last time she visited him a few years previous. Ronnie had been out of work for the best part of a year and only in light work previous to that due to my ever growing work commitments and now, pregnancy! He had become more a part of the field than just grazing on the field and by May 9th (the time of said visit) was still throwing his fluffy winter coat. 

Week One

Never the less Jemma (my friend) hopped on and road him around in walk and trot learning to get a feel for him and working out his little “quirks” whilst Ronnie tried desperately to work out just how to wrap her around his little .. Hoof?
After the initial first ride the real work began, Jemma road just the one time that week and me and mum got to work lunging and long reining him with no gadgets. Three days after the initial ride my step father hopped on and gave him a pop around under saddle to help get him back in work until Jemma could return the following week. 


Week Two

Ronnie with my step dad on board!
The next week came and Jemma returned ever more determined to get Ronnie going in time for Messingham show on the 3rd of June. The grooming was continuous as we desperately tried to rid him of his remaining winter woollies. We decided to swap Ronnies bit from a French-linked Wilkie Snaffle to his single joint rugby Pelham (a Pelham with a floating “bradoon” ring to give the impression of a double bit) the results were marvellous! He instantly stopped nose poking and began working from behind him into the bit (though admittedly he still occasionally goes on the fore hand and over bent). 


Week Three (Show week!)

Pantydwr Ronaldo - week 3!
Jemma was riding two to three times a week and Ronnie was being lunged and long reined in between the days when he wasn’t being ridden with a day or two off here and there.  Show week came round and the mad dash to find show attire such as a tweed jacket for Jemma to borrow and other such equipment saw us at R&R Country the day before the show. 
Pantydwr Ronaldo - approx 3 weeks into work
Saddly when we finally arrived at the field laden with new equipment to try out we found that Ronnie had rubbed out part of his mane near the base (due to sweet itch), but all was not lost, after washing only his mane and tail and rubbing his body over with a damp cloth with cider vinegar to remove any excess grease we realised that his mane blending quite nicely once laid in the correct manner with brylcreem!



Show Day

 Show morning came and Ronnie was transported the short distance to the show ground by a friend in his horse box. The morning was wet and dreary and many classes were delayed meaning that poor old Ronnie was waiting around for ages before his class; luckily he had use of the lorry as a loose box and happily munched his hay.
Pantydwr Ronaldo's First time out under saddle
Pantydwr Ronaldo - First Ridden Show
Pantydwr Ronaldo - First Ridden Show
This was both Jemma and Ronnie’s first ever ridden show (Ronnie having only ever been shown in hand, the last of which was in 2010 ) and he behaved impeccably once tacked up with just a few spooks and a bit of impatient napping whilst waiting around to go in the ring. He did however go on the wrong leg in his individual show though I wasn’t too phased by this as this was really just for experience and we wasn’t expecting anything out of it other than a day out. 


However Jemma was pleased as peaches when they were pulled in 5th and received a beautiful orange “Diamond jubilee” rosette and got some lovely comments from the judge.
All in all a great yet very wet day out was had by all, and I was very pleased with the transformation in Ronnie in just three short weeks!
